Data Collect Policy

Your Privacy Matters to Us

At Articod, we strive to provide valuable services to our clients by curating a comprehensive database of potential leads. To achieve this, we gather publicly available information from reputable sources, including websites like and Our goal is to connect businesses with the right opportunities and foster mutually beneficial relationships.

What Information Do We Collect?

We compile data such as names, job titles, company details, and contact information from publicly accessible online platforms. This information is gathered with the intention of offering our services to businesses looking to explore new opportunities and grow their networks.

Your Choice Matters

We respect your privacy, and we understand that not everyone may be interested in receiving communication from us. If you are part of our database and would prefer not to receive further emails or communication from Articod, we completely understand. Your preferences matter, and we want to ensure you have control over the information you receive.

Opt-Out Option

If you wish to opt out and not receive further communication from us, please click here to unsubscribe or contact our team at [email protected]. We will promptly update our records to respect your preferences.

Our Commitment to Data Security

We take the security and confidentiality of your information seriously. Our practices align with industry standards to safeguard the data we collect, ensuring it is used responsibly and ethically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like more information about our data collection practices, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you for trusting Articod as your partner in business growth.

Please provide your email address to initiate the deletion process from our database.

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